A young girl holds a toddler on her hip in front of their Gulu home.

Restoring Peace to Gulu

Cecilia, 12, is one of six children born to a former child soldier, a tragic victim of the atrocities inflicted on the people of northern Uganda a generation ago. During that violent era, the perverse Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) was notorious for abducting young children, conscripting boys as soldiers and coercing girls into becoming soldiers’ wives.

During those brutal years, the LRA didn’t just brutalize children, they terrorized children’s families as well. Cecilia’s uncles were abducted, and her grandparents lost 12 acres of land plus many animals to the LRA. It was a dark time for all Ugandans. But today, things are bright again for children like Cecilia, thanks to Gulu Community Park, a community-based playground and evangelical discipleship center supported by Cross International and a Ugandan-based ministry, World Embrace.

It’s hard to imagine that with over 250,000 children in the Gulu district, there are no safe public parks for children, but it’s true! When fully completed, Gulu Community Park will provide 15 acres of enrichment to children like Cecilia. 

Wide shot of children and families enjoying Gulu Community Park.

Already, the park is paying dividends! Cecilia’s father got a new job with Gulu Park security. With his improved income, the family can finally afford the children’s school fees, nutritious meals and even medical treatment. Eventually, Gulu Community Park will be a social hub for the entire community – and Cross International will be there each step of the way.

Your support to our Thriving Kids Initiative will bring joy and a safe space for these children to play, learn, and grow.


A rescuer cradles baby Romelia in the Guatemalan jungle.

Rescue and Recovery in Rural Guatemala

After a gentle explanation of the team’s intentions, the father and mother released their baby daughter, and the rescuers saw baby Romelia’s emaciated body for the first time. Her small ribs were visible, and her tiny belly was distended — all telltale signs of severe malnutrition.

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A child who has experienced community transformation in Guatemala thanks to Cross International

Community Transformation in Guatemala

Extreme poverty is high in Guatemala, where over half the population is below the poverty line. With nearly 50% chronic malnutrition, it’s the most undernourished country in Latin America and fourth worldwide.

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