It was a stormy morning in eastern Guatemala, and a team from Cross International’s ministry partner, Hope of Life, was urgently loading up their truck. They had received a report that a baby girl’s life was in danger. If the team didn’t act quickly to get the baby to a hospital, they were told she might not survive. Her family lived in a tiny shack deep in the mountains.
According to the report, the young child named Romelia was starving and in terrible condition.
After a long drive through the mountains, and an even longer trek through the jungle, the team finally reached the place where Romelia lived with her parents. Typically, vulnerable families are reluctant to hand their children to someone offering help, even if their children are desperately ill, because they are afraid the missionaries will expect some payment before the child is returned — a payment they do not have.
After a gentle explanation of the team’s intentions, the father and mother released their baby daughter, and the rescuers saw her emaciated body for the first time. Her small ribs were visible, and her tiny belly was distended — all telltale signs of severe malnutrition.
Empowered by Cross International, Hope of Life rescued little Romelia and gave her the medical care, emergency food and nutrition she desperately needed. With your help, we can rescue even more of these children from malnutrition and allow them to grow and reach their God-given potential.

With your help, we can save even more lives and spread the love of Jesus
Cross International has partnered with the Guatemalan ministry, Hope of Life, for more than a decade, rescuing babies throughout rural Guatemala from the ravages of malnutrition and starvation. Together, we embark on long treks through the remote villages of southeastern Guatemala searching for infants and young children struggling to survive. Once found, the team brings the children and their mothers to Hope of Life’s 24-hour medical facility in Zacapa, where they are both admitted for 4 to 6 weeks.
While at the medical facility, they are cared for by a dedicated team of Christian doctors, nurses and trained technicians. The babies receive a regimen of fortified milk, vitamins and carefully prescribed medication. Mothers are fed three nutritious meals a day and given dietary supplements to ensure they can breastfeed their babies. The families are also referred to a psychologist and a nutritionist to guarantee that malnutrition will never recur. When the child is released from the program, the family is provided with an ample supply of food and medicine. As part of the program, the parents agree to bring the little ones back for regular checkups for the next six months.