Our friends in Malawi report that the situation continues to worsen for the many families who lost their homes to Cyclone Idai.
U.S. media only briefly covered the news, but the crisis is enormous — and isn’t over yet. In one torrential blast, the storm displaced over 19,000 Malawian families. What made the event especially devastating was not just the strength of the winds, but also the preceding heavy rains that had saturated the land, guaranteeing severe floods.
The Ambuya Development Center, our ministry partner in Malawi, has identified 335 houses that were destroyed just in the four local communities it serves. Together we plan to start building new houses for the families, who in most if not all cases were already struggling to make ends meet before the cyclone swept away everything they had.
Construction plans have already been drafted, and we’re going to work with Ambuya to do as much as we can to make this vision a reality and restore these families’ lives in Jesus’ name.

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Now thousands of families are not only homeless but also in danger of deadly outbreaks such as malaria and cholera. But the good news is that our local partner is not just standing idle.